Welcome to BoydsBengals

BoydsBengals is a small cattery about 30 minutes from beautiful Savannah, Georgia. We have been breeding Bengals since 2006. We are the only Bengal cattery in Georgia inspected and licensed by the GA Dept of Agriculture (Pet Dealers License #3701855). We breed beautiful Bengal cats for sale as pets, breeders and potential show cats. BoydsBengals started out as Bengal cat owners, but we fell in love with the breed, so much so that we wanted to see how we could contribute and improve the Bengal cat breed. We breed brown rosetted Bengal kittens, snow rosetted Bengal kittens, silver rosetted Bengal kittens, blue rosetted Bengal kittens and charcoal rosetted Bengal kittens for sale.
BoydsBengals cats and kittens are showered with love and attention from day one. We spoil our Bengal cats and Bengal kittens, giving them plenty of hugs, kisses and affection. BoydsBengals firmly believes that our Bengal cats and Bengal kittens deserve the best of everything, whether it be food, toys, cat trees or beds/blankets.
BoydsBengals is a registered cattery both with TICA (The International Cat Association) and CFA (The Cat Fancier’s Association). Our Bengal cats and kittens will have papers with both Associations. We have CFA’s first male Distinguished Merit Bengal (BoydsBengals Breaking Bad, DM) and first female Distinguished Merit Bengal (BoydsBengals Hearts Desire, DM). We also have CFA’s Best of Breed Bengal in Championship for the 2019-2020 show season (GC, BWR, RW BoydsBengals Chain Breaker) and CFA’s Best of Breed Bengal in Championship for 2022-2023 show season, who is also the FIRT Bengal to earn the Grand Champion of Distinction title in CFA (GCD, BWR, NW BoydsBengals Breaking News). We have been active members of CFA’s Bengal Breed Council since Bengals from the time Bengals were accepted into CFA in 2016. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok for updates on our upcoming kittens and cat show results.
Our Bengals
BoydsBengals kittens are handled with lots of gentleness, love, and care from the day they are born. BoydsBengals kittens are born in our Bengal Kitten Nursery and when they are old enough, they go to the the designated Bengal Kitten Rooms in our home, and then they are introduced to the rest of the house.
The BoydsBengals experience does not end with your purchase of a Bengal kitten. We pride ourselves in providing ongoing support to all our clients, and are responsive to phone calls, emails and communications from our clients. Our goal is to develop lasting personal relationships with all our clients, and welcome your letters and email updates about your BoydsBengal kitten.
BoydsBengals kittens are typically kept with us until they are 12 weeks old, to avoid behavioral problems associated with kittens being separated from their litters too soon. At that time, they will have had their shots, been dewormed, been fully weaned from its mother, begun eating solid food and using the litter box. Our bengal kittens are all checked by our veterinarian prior to leaving our cattery. We want to ensure that our Bengal kittens are socialized at that point to interact with their new family, including children and pets.
We want our Bengal kittens to go to good, loving homes where they will receive lots of love, attention and excellent care. We will be happy to help you choose a BoydsBengals kitten that is “just right” for you. Please check back frequently to see our latest litter of Bengal kittens or Bengal cats for sale, or follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Tiktok for updates.
Should you need more information about BoydsBengals, including Brown Rosetted Bengals for Sale, Snow Rosetted Bengals for sale, Silver Rosetted Bengals for sale, Blue Rosetted Bengals for Sale, or Charcoal Rosetted Bengals for sale, we welcome you to contact us.

Our Cats & Kittens

GC, BWR, RW BoydsBengals Chain Breaker - CFA's Best of Breed Bengal for 2019-2020.

GC, RW Breaker's Odell Beckham. CFA's first Bengal brown charcoal Grand Premier.

BoydsBengals Breaking Bad - CFA's "Poster Bengal" in 2016 and CFA's first Bengal DM.

GC BoydsBengals Storm Breaker. CFA's First Bengal silver charcoal Grand Champion.

GP BoydsBengals Snow Breaker - CFA's First Bengal Snow Charcoal Grand Premier.